ffn Radio Live
"FFN (Funk & Fernsehen Nordwestdeutschland) is a private radio station located in Lower Saxony, Germany. Founded in 1986, the station serves the regions of Hanover, Bremen, Oldenburg, and Brunswick. With a market share of over 20%, FFN is one of the most popular radio stations in Northern Germany.
Their program includes a mix of current hits, ultimate classics, and engaging talk shows. The morning show, “Moin, Moin,” is widely known in the region and features a lively mix of music, entertainment news, and funny segments. In the afternoons, listeners can tune in to “FFN bei der Arbeit” for upbeat music and interesting discussions. Nights turn up the energy with “FFN Feeling” and a wide variety of popular tunes.
Listeners can also enjoy various special program series, including “FFN Comedy,” “FFN Playlist,” and “FFN am Abend” on selected weekdays. With its engaging mix of music and entertainment, FFN is a must-listen for anyone in Northern Germany."
Their program includes a mix of current hits, ultimate classics, and engaging talk shows. The morning show, “Moin, Moin,” is widely known in the region and features a lively mix of music, entertainment news, and funny segments. In the afternoons, listeners can tune in to “FFN bei der Arbeit” for upbeat music and interesting discussions. Nights turn up the energy with “FFN Feeling” and a wide variety of popular tunes.
Listeners can also enjoy various special program series, including “FFN Comedy,” “FFN Playlist,” and “FFN am Abend” on selected weekdays. With its engaging mix of music and entertainment, FFN is a must-listen for anyone in Northern Germany."
ffn Programm
05:55 - 13:55
ffn am Samstag
13:55 - 17:55
Niedersachsens Top40
17:55 - 23:55
ffn Partytime
23:55 - 05:55
ffn. Die Nacht
ffn Frequenz
Aurich (103.1
FM) ,
Barsinghausen (101.9
FM) ,
Braunschweig/Broitzem (103.1
FM) ,
Cuxhaven/Otterndorf (102.6
FM) ,
Dannenberg (102.7
FM) ,
Göttingen/Bovenden (102.8
FM) ,
Hann Münden/Laubach (100.7
FM) ,
Holzminden/Neuhaus-Schrodhalbe (102.2
FM) ,
Lingen-Damaschke (101.5
FM) ,
Osnabrück/Schleptruper Egge (103.4
FM) ,
Rosengarten/Langenrehm (100.6
FM) ,
Steinkimmen (102.3
FM) ,
Torfhaus/Telekom (102.4
FM) ,
Visselhövede/Riepholmer Weg (101.7
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NDR 1 Niedersachsen - Region Braunschweig